Walnuts are a delicious way to get proteins, good fats, vitamins and minerals and enjoy the bounty of fall on a salad or with a crisp fall a

The antioxidants and vitamins contained within pumpkins could prevent degenerative damage to the eyes.

It's a great way to do a little housecleaning of the whole digestive tract and enjoy the bountiful summer harvest.

One of the best high nutrition breakfasts we can have in the summer is a smoothie. Not only is it quick, but it needs no cooking heat on...

Fruit Water
One of the main problems we face in this very hot weather is dehydration. Did you know that your cells absorb more water into them if...

Eat Your Veggies
Now that we are fully into spring and barreling towards summer, more and more delicious varieties of fresh produce are available at...

Carvacrol – found to be effective against various bacterial infections, such as candida albicans, staphylococcus, E. coli, campylobacter, sa

provides a few nutrients and strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents, so we put into our food during cold season to stave off illness.

Help For the Flu Season
This winter, Michael is suggesting 4 specific different immune system boosters to help you stay healthy enough to stave off a bug