You May Be A SkepticSkeptics provide a very needed service in this world, because without them we would have very little research and development and a whole lo
We Live in HarmonyMichael has long told us that when we are not in bodies our essences are electromagnetic patterns that resonate and that we are more like...
So You Think You Might Be An ARTISANThey have a unique style that can easily be noticed in their personal grooming and dress, their home or office décor, their lifestyle habits
So You Think You Might Be A PRIESTPriests have a natural sense of style and can be very charismatic because they are usually full of zeal over projects or zest for life. They
So You Think You Might Be A KINGBecause of their easy understanding of human dynamics, Kings make great delegators, corporate leaders, statesmen, diplomats, and military le
So You Think You Might Be A SCHOLARThough some Scholars love school, have multiple degrees and are quite professorial, other are more craft or sports oriented and learn with t
So You Think You Might Be A SERVERBecause Servers are compassionate and kind by nature, they can make wonderful parents, caregivers, restaurateurs, doctors, nurses, dentists