Slow DownWe all have busy, busy lives these days. We leap up in the morning, hustle off to work, concentrate for hours, deal with the commute,...
FingersMichael tells us that the thumb is related to the father and authority figures; the index finger is related to the mother and nurturers;...
MandalasMandala means "circle" in Sanskrit and according to Eastern religious beliefs is a spiritual and ritualistic representation of the...
The Love of a Good DogMy friend's brother Bill passed away some days ago, leaving behind his 7-year-old dog. Dugan knows that his master died because he was...
You Get What You ResistWe attract what we're resisting because a part of us is saying "I can't handle that" and a wiser part is saying "Of c
OreganoCarvacrol – found to be effective against various bacterial infections, such as candida albicans, staphylococcus, E. coli, campylobacter, sa
Rosemaryprovides a few nutrients and strong anti-viral and anti-bacterial agents, so we put into our food during cold season to stave off illness.
Help For the Flu SeasonThis winter, Michael is suggesting 4 specific different immune system boosters to help you stay healthy enough to stave off a bug
We Choose What We BelieveIf you decide on an upbeat perspective in life, you may be disappointed now and then, but our very mindset helps us to recover.