They’ve discovered a new pocket of Brucite in Pakistan; and our own Megan Ferney has some at her shop.
Brucite is an interesting stone because it is related to huge emotional intensity. The right Brucite can calm anxiety, depression, even a hysterical tantrum or trauma.
On the other hand, another Brucite can INCITE huge emotional reactions.
Ancestral folk used Brucite to calm tantruming children and people with anger issues or lack of emotional control.
They would also use it to snap people out of numbness and into grief or rage if they were devastated by loss or preparing for war.
Generally, people get most impacted by it according to its color. Yellow is most effective on Servers, Clear/White-Priests, Blue-Artisans, Green-Sages, Red/Brick-Warriors, Grey/White-Kings, Brown-Scholars.
All Brucite will work on anyone however; so you want to notice what pieces you choose for different effects.
