Parallels and concurrents
Michael: We notice people wondering when exactly they have merged into a new and different parallel universe and when they were just out of touch with some new trend, didn’t hear some piece of news others seem to know, or may simply be forgetful or mis-remembering.
You may be surprised at how often you are experiencing a parallel shift. There are more than 8 billion people alive on Earth at the moment.
Any time ANY One of you initiates a new path, you split off a new parallel reality: you get accepted into more than one college and a fragment of your consciousness proceeds forward to attend each of them. You decide to marry George or Susan or possibly Henry. You get divorced or decide to stay married. You have a child or don’t produce that child. You take a new job, make a new friend, take up a new career or avid hobby. Each new path creates a new parallel…and Everyone on Earth accompanies you. Most people initiate at least 5-20 new paths a year. If you are famous or influential or simply creative you could initiate many more.
Let’s just round that off to a conservative 10 initiated parallels per person per year. That would be equivalent to 80 billion new parallels to flow into per year. But that’s not counting parallels initiated by other than human design: a volcano erupts or doesn’t, a hurricane destroys a town or doesn’t, a species goes extinct or doesn’t. That raises the count to at least 100 billion a year (or about 275 million per Day).
That’s a lot of activity! But we don’t just infinitely expand. We are constantly collapsing into parallel Merges as well. Every time you successfully heal from an illness, get that job or promotion, pay off that debt, or achieve pretty much any significant goal you have almost always merged into a nearby, nearly identical, parallel where you have already achieved that goal. In the long run, merges are pretty much equivalent to initiations.
Sometimes, however, to get where we want to merge, we need to stretch beyond the 99.999% identical realities to the 99.99% or even the 99.9% and that’s when we notice anomalies. There’s a building on a corner where there was an empty lot when you drove to the store next to that space last week. How? We convince ourselves we must have not noticed the construction, or tell ourselves we weren’t at our usual grocery store. Anything to convince ourselves that life is stable and that we can count on that to be true.
This used to be a much less overwhelming experience when there were less than a billion people on Earth (most of history) to follow into all of these new parallels. It was still a lot. But our instincts were used to a certain flow. Is it any wonder that now people often feel unsteady and the world feels “out of control”?
Then, only a few hundred years ago it became obvious that humanity was on the verge of becoming Mature in soul age. Mature soul consciousness would change the human paradigm. All of the souls who had yet to start a cycle of lives here but were determined to do so felt like they had better hurry up, get born, rack up some basic experience, and catch up in soul age to at least Baby consciousness.
They not only began to flow onto the planet in droves, but decided to have concurrent lives in the same timeline to maximize their process. Concurrent lives are always available because the Astral plane (where you reside between lives) is outside the timeline. In other words you could die today and decide to start your next lifetime in 1925 and get to experience the 1900’s. And yes, you starting a lifetime then sets off a new parallel branch.
Mostly, throughout history, people don’t choose to have concurrent lives because curiosity drives us forward. But these Infants wanted to complete Infant lessons ASAP before Mature consciousness set in and a lot of primal human experiences like war and tribal living were no longer available.
To accomplish their agenda Infant Souls started having 5,6,7,8 lifetimes at a time. Pretty soon, the older soul ages surmised, there would be more bodies on the planet with Infant consciousness than otherwise.
So, everyone else including most of you reading this started to have concurrent lifetimes as well to keep the soul age status quo stable. And when there are 6-10 copies of each person running around the globe you quickly shift from a steady 1 billion people on Earth to 8 billion.
Luckily, this experiment has been a success! At the rate they are evolving the last Infant souls will complete their lives and/or advance to 1st level Baby within the next 5-6 years.
This means that they have stopped initiating concurrent lives and so will the rest of us. It is not an accident that in 186 countries out of 193 on Earth, 40% of women in their childbearing years have decided against having children. This (plus infertility, autoimmune disorders, and disease) will winnow the population back down to a sustainable billion or so within the next two centuries.
This will also naturally reduce the overwhelming amount of parallel shifts and merges that everyone has been experiencing.
So as you can see, if you think you may be experiencing a slightly different parallel reality…you probably are.